Volunteers for Israel seeking participants
Published April 1, 2015
St. Louisans interested in Volunteers for Israel (VFI), a non-profit, non-political, non-denominational program that aids Israel through hands-on volunteer work, are encouraged to contact five-time volunteers Linda and Jerry Koenig for more information.
VFI is open to anyone age 17 to 80. Participants volunteer on Israeli military bases for two to three weeks, performing various civilian and non-combat duties — and building lasting relationships between Israelis, Diaspora Jews and friends of Israel.
Work may include manual labor, equipment maintenance, packaging supplies, kitchen duties and/or gardening. Room and board while on the base are free, but airfare and weekend travel expenses are the responsibility of the volunteer. Like Israelis, volunteers work a five-day week, but VFI also includes organized tours, educational lectures and evening programs. Three kosher meals are provided daily, and sleeping quarters are in the base barracks. The program also provides help in planning activities and travel for the weekends, when volunteers are away from the base.
For more information, contact St. Louisans Jerry and Linda Koenig at 636-394-6027, or visit vfi-usa.org.