Vaad Hoeir to hold Community Dinner
Published May 27, 2008
The Vaad Hoeir of St. Louis will hold its Community Dinner at the Crowne Plaza in Clayton on Sunday, June 22.
At the dinner, Merle Hartstein will be one of the featured honorees. Hartstein is well known to the entire St. Louis Jewish Community, and will be the recipient of the Community Chesed Award (Olam Chesed Yiboneh).
Hartstein has been a past board member of the Central Agency for Jewish Education, past chair of the Friends of Epstein Hebrew Academy, past trustee of Young Israel and has had more than 30 years of involvement with the Chevra Kadisha Society.
Meira Bresler Riemer will receive the Young Professional Community Service Award. Bresler is active in the community, serving on the board of Ohr Atid, the Epstein Hebrew Academy Development Committee and the Kollel Young Leadership Committee. She currently works as International Issues Associate at the JCRC.
The Vaad Hoeir is pleased also to announce the establishment of the Barbara Mendelson Vaad Hoeir Tomchei Shabbos Fund.
Albert Glassman and Darla Grossberg are co-chairs for the dinner.
To make a reservation, or to place an advertisement in the Commemorative Journal for the event, contact the Vaad Hoeir at 314-569-2770.