UPCOMING Hundreds will be ‘Walking on sunshine’ on June 3 for brain tumor research
Published May 28, 2007
Hundreds of walkers are expected to gather at Faust Park in Chesterfield on Sunday, June 3, with the purpose of stepping closer to a cure for brain tumors and honoring Suzy Esstman, who lives with a brain tumor.
“Walking on Sunshine” event registration begins at 9:30 a.m. at the northeast edge of the front parking lot. The approximately one mile walk through the park begins at 10 a.m. Musical entertainment will be by Hannah and Reggie Van Derson’s Pure Entertainment Company and the band, “Spur.” There will also be a children’s craft area for making “get well” cards for area hospitals, and ice cream courtesy of Ben & Jerry’s will be included. Proceeds from the walk will benefit leading Neuro-Oncology research at Hadassah Hospital in Israel. The pre-registration fee for the walk is $18 for individuals (includes one event t-shirt), $36 for families (includes two event T-shirts). Walk-in registration is $20 (individual), $40 (family) and does not include T-shirts. To reserve a space or for information call the St. Louis Chapter Hadassah office at 314-991-0434. “Walking on Sunshine” is sponsored by Rubin Brown & Anheuser-Busch Companies. Other corporate donors include Nestl é, Germ X and Ben & Jerry’s.