Fontaine set to speak at JCC

Marta Fontaine from the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services focuses on elder abuse issues. She will present an informative and cautionary talk, “Don’t Fall Victim to Financial Fraud: Learn How to Protect Yourself,” on Monday, June 2, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. in the auditorium of the Jewish Community Center Wohl Building.

Fontaine serves as the designated Legal Service Developer for Missouri under the Older Americans Act and as the department’s contact person for Missourians Stopping Adult Financial Exploitation (MOSAFE) project. Sponsors of the event include Bank of America, the JCC, the St. Louis Naturally Occurring Retirement Community (NORC) and the Jewish Federation’s Cardozo and Montefiore Societies. The event is free and will be of particular interest to those over 50 years of age. Refreshments will be served and dietary laws observed. RSVP before May 30 to 314-442-3148 or email [email protected].

Teen HMLC winners are announced

Twenty-six winners of the 6th Annual St. Louis Holocaust Museum Art & Writing Contest have been announced from among 300 student entries from hundreds of middle schools and high schools in Missouri, Illinois, Wisconsin and Colorado. They will be honored at an awards ceremony and reception at 7 p.m., Thursday, May 29, at the Holocaust Museum Theater in the Jewish Federation Kopolow Building.

The contest is dedicated to the memory of the 1.5 million children who perished during the Holocaust and is underwritten by Dr. Ira and Judy Gall, in honor of their grandchildren. Cash prizes will be awarded to all winners in each of the writing and art divisions for those in grades 6-8 and 9-12. Winning entries will be displayed at the Holocaust Museum, on the Jewish community website www.jewishinstlouis.org and other St. Louis area locations, including the St. Louis Galleria from July 16-Aug. 13.

Winners of the 2008 Art and Writing Contest are:

Visual Arts — Division 1 Middle School

First Place: Meagan Broadfield; Second Place: Jordan Viers; Third Place: Ethan Masters; Honorable Mentions: Christine Byrd; Alissa Lackey; Kathryn Nelson; Zach Schnur

Visual Arts — Division 2 High School

First Place: Amy Kassander; Second Place: Melissa Head; Third Place: Rebecca Theerman; Honorable Mentions: Savannah Claspell; Lauren Millner; Danielle Rich; Nathan Thompson

Writing — Division 1 Middle School

First Place: Erica Nolan; Second Place: Danielle Hughes; Third Place: Caitlin Penzi; Honorable Mentions: Alina Luke; Heidi Rose

Writing — Division 2 High School

First Place: Matt Mallon; Second Place: Vanessa Moyle; Third Place: Charles Lopez; Honorable Mentions: Paul Davis; Mandy M. King.