United Hebrew hosts Spinoza scholar Steven Nadler Dec. 6-7
Published November 26, 2014
United Hebrew Congregation will scholar Steven Nadler for a variety of events Dec. 6-7. An author and renowned scholar on the works and philosophy of Baruch (Benedict) Spinoza, Nadler is the William H. Hay II Professor of Philosophy and Evjue-Bascom Professor in Humanities at the University of Wisconsin in Madison.
Nadler will give three presentations at United Hebrew, 13788 Conway Road. The events are open to the community and are funded by the Ruzena and Fred Levy Speaker Fund.
• “Spinoza and Jewish Secularism: Impressions and Misperceptions,” a Lunch and Learn program at 12:30 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 6.
• Nadler will talk about the inspiration, development and publication of his latest tour de force, “Forged In Hell: Spinoza’s Dangerous Treatise and the Dawn of the Secular Age” at a dessert and coffee reception at 7:30 p.m. Dec. 6.
• At 11:30 a.m. Sunday, Dec. 7, he will discuss his 2003 publication “Rembrandt’s Jews,” about the great painter living at the time of Spinoza and his relationship with the Jewish community
RSVPs requested by Dec. 5 to Tara Mann at 314-469-0700 or [email protected]. For more information, visit unitedhebrew.org.