True story of remarkable rescue to screen at HMLC

The next film in the Sandra and Mendel Rosenberg Sunday Afternoon Film Series is a remarkable documentary about a woman who rescued her Jewish neighbors. “No. 4 Street of Our Lady,” which will screen at 1 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 29 in the Holocaust Museum’s theater in the Jewish Federation Kopolow Building, 12 Millstone Campus Drive, tells the little-known story of Francisca Halamajowa, a Polish Catholic woman from the small town of Sokal who rescued 16 of her Jewish neighbors during the Holocaust while passing herself off as a Nazi sympathizer. On the eve of World War II, more than 6,000 Jews lived in Sokal; by the end of the war, only about 30 had survived, half of them rescued by Halamajowa.

The 2009 film draws on excerpts from a diary kept by one of the survivors, Moshe Maltz, whose granddaughter is one of the filmmakers. It also incorporates testimonies from other Jews saved by Halamajowa, her descendants and former neighbors, as they reconnect on a trip back to Sokal.

Daniel A. Reich, curator and director of education for the St. Louis Holocaust Museum and Learning Center, will provide introductory remarks and a post-screening discussion. The film is in English, with some subtitles, and has a running time of 90 minutes.

Films in this Sunday series are free and open to the public. For further information, call 314-442-3714 or email [email protected].


The film series’ schedule for October notes a change, and now presents “Black Milk,” a 2012 documentary by Ofra Bloch.  The film focuses on child survivor David Bloch, whose long buried, haunted memories find expression through his powerful works of art. The filmmaker and the artist will be present for the screening on Oct. 27.