Torah MiTzion Kollel gala to honor Adi and Eli Feen

Torah MiTzion Kollel of St. Louis (TMK), which provides educational activities in schools and synagogues to help strengthen Zionism, Jewish identity and Torah knowledge in the St. Louis Jewish community, will hold its 14th Anniversary Gala Dinner on Sunday evening, March 26 at the Clayton High School Commons.

The evening’s honorees, Adi and Eli Feen, will be recognized for many years of service to TMK and the St. Louis Jewish community. In particular, TMK will recognize Adi Feen’s volunteer efforts on behalf of the Ralph and Annette Raskas branch of Bnei Akiva, the religious Zionist youth movement that encourages communal and Israel-related involvement and develops youth leadership. 

The kollel’s new family of shlichim (Israeli emissaries), Ginat and Tal Midler and their children, who arrived in St. Louis this past August, will be formally welcomed at the dinner. In addition to the Israel-oriented social and cultural events that Ginat and Tal present, Tal Midler teaches third grade Judaic Studies at Epstein Hebrew Academy, while Ginat Midler teaches Hebrew at Yeshivat Kadimah High School. Both are teachers at the Hebrew language “Shelanu” Jewish Sunday school at Congregation Bais Abraham.  

The kollel will also recognize the efforts of the four Bnot Sherut — Yael Brenner, Meital Frohlich, Moriya Hirsch, and Ester Mekere, who are spending one of their years of Sherut Leumi (Israeli national service) serving the St. Louis Jewish community.  The Bnot Sherut teach at both Epstein Hebrew Academy and Saul Mirowitz Jewish Community School.

Members of the community are invited to participate in the celebration. Tickets are $100 per person and donors of $250 or more may include a short message in the Gala Dinner Program. For more information, visit