Temple Israel hosts classes for families with young children

Congregation Temple Israel’s Deutsch Early Childhood Center is hosting two classes that offer programming geared toward engaging parents/caregivers with young children. Both classes include exciting and stimulating activities that promote learning, bonding, physical and cognitive development and social skills.

 “Baby & Me” is geared toward parents/caregivers with infants and children who are not yet walking. Weekly meetings are held from 9:30 to 11 a.m. on Wednesdays starting Aug. 24, and held through May 17, 2017. The free classes, taught by Lisa Cohen, are open to all families in the St. Louis Jewish community, for any or all class meetings. Class will feature guest speakers and discussions on topics that pertain to parents/caregivers with young children. Registration is not required; walk-ins welcome. 

“Parent and Child” is an ongoing program for parents/caregivers of children who are walking. The class meets from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. on Thursdays, starting Aug. 25, and held through May 18, 2017. The classes will be taught by Jane Weinhaus and Lisa Cohen. Class also includes playtime at DECC’s outdoor playground and/or indoor playtime in the Muscle Room. This class is open to all families in the St. Louis Jewish community. The cost is $130/month for non-Temple Israel members, $105/month for members. 

For more information about either program, contact TI’s Director of Family Education, Leslie Wolf, at [email protected] or 314-432-8076.