St. Louis Rabbinical Association announces Jewish community grants

The St. Louis Rabbinical Association has established a grant fund designed to bolster small, innovative projects in the local area. As many as 10 grants, of around $1,000 each, will be awarded to new or ongoing efforts to contribute to the strength and quality of Jewish community life in St. Louis.

Individuals, groups, committees and organizations are all invited to apply for the grants. Projects can be in the fields of social service, culture and the arts (including literature, music, fine and performing arts), academic or historical research, education and community building.

Rabbi James Stone Goodman of Congregation Neve Shalom serves as chair of the new SLRA grants committee. “We are especially seeking imaginative and cutting edge ideas that illustrate initiative and a concern for the future of the St. Louis Jewish community,” said Goodman. “We are also eager to see proposals for projects that cannot typically find funding from other institutions.”

Rabbi Brigitte Rosenberg of United Hebrew Congregation and president of the SLRA, said the organization is excited to offer the new grants. “We believe there are many ideas out there for small projects which can have a big impact in our Jewish community, but need a little funding to get it started or moving.”

Proposals for the SLRA Jewish Community Grants are due by Dec. 2, and the grants will be announced no later than March 30, 2012. For further information and grant applications, contact the St. Louis Rabbinical Association at 314-983-0229 or [email protected].