St. Louis Jewish events Community Calendar
Published May 14, 2006
Living with Loss program starts a new 10-week session at 10 a.m. Wednesday, May 17, at Temple Israel in the Peltason Library. The program is free of charge. No registration is required. For information call 314-432-8050, ext. 217.
Brunch scheduled
The NA’AMAT Honor Roll Brunch will be held Sunday, May 21 at 11 a.m. at Meadowbrook Country Club. New officers, President Lynne Cole, VP fundraising Beverly Stuhlman, VP membership and dues Nancy Novack, VP programming Marcia Nove, recording secretary Rochelle Harris, and executive secretary Frieda Kusher will be installed by Rabbi Amy B. Bigman. Admission is $25. Call 314-993-3033.
Mental illness series set
Dr. Wendy Reich speaks on “The Genetic Connection in Mental Illness” at noon Thursday, May 25, at the Jewish Federation to launch a program of support and education to those whose lives are affected by a loved one with mental illness. This project will include a major community symposium, Lunch & Learn programs, and a newsletter. For more information, call 314-812-9366 or e-mail [email protected].
Epstein stages ‘Back’
Middle-school students at the Epstein Hebrew Academy will present Back to the Future, The Jewish Version, a play written by one of the academy’s teachers, Rabbi Uria Teperberg. The play is for one night only, Wednesday, May 24, at the Clayton High School Theatre, 1 Mark Twain Circle. Seating begins at 6:30 p.m. Curtain goes up at 7 p.m. Tickets are available by calling 314-994-7856, 314-863-3927 or 314-434-9900. In advance, prices are $10 for adults, and $5 per child. Tickets at the door are $12 adults, $6 per child.
Park outing scheduled
Sparks Matchmaking Service will host an outing to the popular Party in the Park at Shaw Park in Clayton from 5-8 p.m. Wednesday, June 14. Rock guitarist Billy Peek will perform. The event is free. Drinks and food will be available for purchase. For more information or to register, call Paula Sparks at 314-721-3638.
Teens sought for choir
The Helene Mirowitz Department of Jewish Community Life at the JCC invites teenagers entering 9th-12th grades in the fall of 2006 to join the St. Louis Jewish Community JCC Teen HaZamir Choir. Enrollment deadline is July 1. Choir will begin in September. For more information or to register contact Adina Frydman at 314-719-7569 or [email protected].