‘Shabbat Alive’ to celebrate Millstone’s 100th birthday


The community is invited to a special Shabbat Alive service which will also celebrate the 100th birthday of Isadore E. Millstone at United Hebrew on Friday, Jan. 5. Millstone will be honored with a special birthday blessing at the Torah and music emphasizing teaching to the generations will be part of the service. United Hebrew’s artist-in-residence Rick Recht’s monthly Shabbat Alive intergenerational service will have an especially festive atmosphere and the theme of the Shabbat will be education because of its importance to Millstone.

“He is an amazing man,” United Hebrew administrator Robert Gummers said. “Our Louis and Mary Millstone Religious School is named for his parents. His father Louis served as the executive secretary of the congregation.”

Combining Shabbat Alive and the birthday celebration is a natural according to Rabbi Howard Kaplansky.

“Isadore and Helen have been faithful participants of our Shabbat Alive service,” Rabbi Kaplansky said. “They enjoy the vitality of the service.”

The energized Shabbat Alive service reflects the youth outlook of Millstone said Rabbi Kaplansky. It provides an appropriate celebration of his accomplishments for the congregation and the community while recognizing his continued vitality and vision. Rabbi Kaplansky described Millstone as an intelligent philanthropist.

“Mr. Millstone supports so many things with his resources to make an impact and difference,” Rabbi Kaplansky said. “He doesn’t live in the past. He is always looking forward and so many have benefited from his vision.”

The special Shabbat Alive service will include the music of Cantor Ronald Eichaker along with the Teen Team. The team is made up of teenage musicians and vocalists who regularly participate in the service and have traveled with Recht on other tours. The junior and adult choirs and additional musicians will also be performing.

A special oneg will follow services in honor of Millstone’s birthday.

The entire community is invited to celebrate the 100th birthday of Isadore E. Millstone on Friday, Jan. 5 at 7 p.m. For more information call, 314-469-0700.