Shaare Emeth chosen for URJ initiative on engaging boomers

Congregation Shaare Emeth is one of 17 Reform congregations in North America selected to participate in the newly formed Union for Reform Judaism Community of Practice (CoP) dedicated to engaging baby boomers. This CoP is a congregational networking group for Reform congregations that are seeking to discover new ways to engage baby boomers in their congregations.  

By participating in the initiative, Shaare Emeth will have the opportunity to meet with leaders from congregations with common interests to share ideas and experiment together with new strategies. Shaare Emeth will also have access to the URJ’s professional staff and expert consultants. 

 “Across North America, people hunger for real connections. They want – they need – to be part of meaningful communities,” said URJ President Rabbi Rick Jacobs in a news release. “The URJ communities of practice will give Reform congregations opportunities to work together, take risks, explore new ideas, innovate and have unprecedented access to top experts.”

Congregations in the initiative will work together formally for 24 months “to push the boundaries of existing congregational efforts,” receiving guidance from peers and advisors to experiment in their own communities, create congregational innovations, and garner skills that will benefit all areas of congregational life. 

This CoP will include an in-person meeting for congregational staff and lay leadership involved in the initiative at an-person convening in Chicago from Oct. 30-Nov. 1.  There also will be monthly virtual gatherings and e-learning opportunities. Results of these strategic experiments will be shared with congregations outside the CoP and with the Reform Movement at large.