Rabbi resigns from Barnes-Jewish Hospital chaplain post

By Repps Hudson, Special to the Jewish Light

Having a Jewish chaplain at Barnes Jewish Hospital in the Central West End remains a top priority, despite the recent resignation of Rabbi Dale Schreiber from chaplaincy duties.

“We are absolutely dedicated to filling the position and expanding the hours” the next Jewish chaplain will work, said Jennifer Arvin, communications director of Barnes Jewish.

While Schreiber worked about 24 hours a week, Arvin said, the new rabbi will be on duty 32 hours a week. She said the hospital cannot yet name the new person, who has not given notice to the current employer.

Schreiber said she was on the chaplaincy staff for eight years. She resigned last month and said she has been concerned that she would not be replaced. 

“I did not get a clear answer about replacing me,” Schreiber said in an interview.

In an email, Schreiber added that “departmental employee satisfaction has been very low in the past three years, with little support or encouragement for professional development.”

Andrew Rehfeld, president and CEO of the Jewish Federation of St. Louis, said he has been assured that “the Jewish community will continue to be served” by a rabbi at the hospital.