Nusach Hari B’nai Zion series looks at ‘15 Worst Lies about Israel’

Nusach Hari B’nai Zion is hosting a new series with stand-alone presentations from strong community advocates for Israel and Jews, focusing on the “15 Worst Lies about Israel and the Truth to Combat Them.” The six-part series will be held on Wednesdays, from June 29 through Aug. 3,  from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m at the shul, 650 N. Price Road. The class schedule and listing of speakers is as follows: 

June 29: “The UN is an honest broker between the Israelis and Palestinians,” and “Mahmoud Abbas is a true partner for peace,” led by Nancy Lisker of AJC

July 6: “The Jews have no historical connection to the land of Israel,” “Zionism = Racism,” and “If Israel laid down its weapons, there would be peace,” led by Rabbi Yosef David of Aish HaTorah

July 13: “Settlements are an impediment to peace,” and “If Israel withdrew from the West Bank to the 1967 borders, there would be peace,” led by Galit Lev-Harir

July 20: “BDS helps Palestinians and promotes peaceful co-existence between Israel and Palestinians,” and “Israeli policies are the cause of worldwide anti-Semitism and terrorism,” led by Karen Aroesty of the Anti-Defamation League


July 27: “Intifadas are the result of failures in the peace process and Palestinian frustration,” and “Israel uses excessive or disproportionate force in responding to Palestinian militants” (speaker to be announced)

Aug. 3: “The media honestly portrays the Israel-Palestinian conflict,” and  “Israel caused the Palestinian refugee problem” (speaker TBA). 

RSVPs are appreciated, but not required, to Jeff at 314-991-2100, ext. 2, or [email protected].