Nishmah Salon Series to focus on Jewish Health and Healing

The Nishmah Salon series, a discussion group about topics of interest to Jewish women, will look at Jewish health and healing. Judaism says we need to take care of others and ourselves. What does this mean?  Explore some Jewish concepts on health and wellness as well as looking at some new wellness rituals and other ideas for keeping ourselves and our families healthy. Articles will be shared upon registration. The suggested donation for each salon is $15. Register online at or contact Director, Sara Winkelman at [email protected] or 314-442-3268.

All salons will discuss the same articles; women may choose from four times and locations:

• Monday, April 27, 7:00-8:30 p.m. facilitated by Cyndee Levy at  Traditional Congregation

• Tuesday, April 28  7:30-9 p.m. at a private home, with facilitator Aura Kavadlo

• Wednesday April 29,  7:30-9 p.m. at a private home with Karen Sher facilitating.

• Wednesday April 29, 12:30-1:30 p.m. facilitated by Sara Winkelman at the JCC Staenberg Family Complex in the Beit Midrash.

Private locations will be disclosed upon registration.