Nishmah program named ‘Partner of Excellence’; kickoff event planned for Nov. 11

Sharsheret Support, a program of St. Louis’ Nishmah, has been selected to join Sharsheret National’s Partners of Excellence program in recognition of the successful breast cancer support and education programs it coordinates with the guidance of Sharsheret staff.  

Partners of Excellence receive financial support and national recognition of their culturally relevant, community-based support and education programs. Through this partnership, the program combines local cancer resources with Sharsheret’s national expertise and culturally sensitive resource materials. 

Sharsheret Support combines the spirit of Nishmah and the mission of Sharsheret to offer support in the St. Louis Jewish community to survivors and women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer or at increased genetic risk, by fostering culturally relevant, individualized connections with networks of peers, health professionals and related resources.

Sharsheret Support will host a kick-off event at 9:30 a.m. Nov. 11 with a light breakfast at the Jewish Community Center Staenberg Family Complex, 2 Millstone Campus Drive, before author Letty Cottin Pogrebin speaks at the St. Louis Jewish Book Festival about her book “How To Be Friend To A Friend Who’s Sick.” 

The author is a cancer survivor and wrote this book in response to her experience during recovery. 

This event offers us an opportunity to talk about local resources and educate ourselves about the increased risk of genetic cancer within the Ashkenazi Jewish community.