Nine students accepted to internship program

Jewish Federation of St. Louis has launched its fourth year of a unique summer internship program that combines meaningful employment and a community connection experience for students who either live or study in St. Louis. Nine interns have been selected for The Internship Experience for Future Community Leaders, a nine-week paid summer internship at a local business or nonprofit organization, including a community mentor and opportunities for students to engage with the local Jewish community as part of a special cohort.

 The 2017 Interns are:

• Isabelle Appleton, a junior at Vassar College studying religion, will work at National Council of Jewish WomenSt. Louis Section.

Noah Bardash, a senior at Washington University in St. Louis studying systems engineering, will work at DEMA Engineering on a variety of processes and lab work.

Nathaniel Bernstein,a junior at Washington University in St. Louis studying political science, will work at Missouri Jobs with Justice and will help organize Labor in the Pulpits, a statewide day focused on celebrating the sacredness of work and continuing the push for greater workers’ rights.


Mordechai Cohen, a junior at Yeshiva University studying accounting, will work at Metal Exchange Corporation on corporate financial reports, accounting projects and data validation for new software. 

Joshua Felsher, a junior at University of Michigan studying economics and history, will work at Decipher Global (an independent corporate intelligence provider) planning and executing a research project. 

Joshua Goodman, a junior at University of Missouri studying journalism, will work for Canopy Biosciences in the area of marketing, developing design specifications, messaging and marketing plans. 

Jonathan Koralnik, a junior at Washington University in St. Louis studying anthropology and leadership/strategic management, will work at Warehouse of Fixtures, mapping the company’s workflow, conducting consumer research on office furniture and developing marketing strategies.

Ryan Lutker, a junior at Bradley University studying elementary education, will work at B’nai Amoona Congregation this summer as a senior staff member at Camp Ramot Amoona.

Hannah Snidman,a rising junior at Bradley University studying psychology, will work at the Magic House interviewing visitors for an annual survey of visitors and other projects designed to improve the visitor experience. 

To learn more about The Internship Experience for Future Community Leaders, visit