NHBZ welcomes guest rabbi for ‘Synaplex’ weekend events

Nusach Hari B’nai Zion will welcome Rabbi Daniel Cohen for a series of programs on Saturday and Sunday, July 8-9.

Cohen is a motivational speaker and author of “What Will They Say About You When You Are Gone? Creating a Life of Legacy.” He is a board member with the Anti-Defamation League, a member of the National Council of AIPAC and an officer of the Rabbinical Council of America.

He will be one of the discussion leaders during NHBZ’s Synaplex Shabbat program on July 8. Regular services begin at 8:30 a.m. in the Main Sanctuary. Tefillah/Prayer Learners Service led by Rabbi Yosef David of Aish HaTorah begins at 9:15 a.m. in the Chapel. 

NHBZ Rabbi Ze’ev Smason’s program “Starting Points: Wisdom for Daily Living” will start at 10 a.m. in the chapel, where he will discuss “Why Do We Do Dumb and Irrational Things?” Also at 10 a.m., Tot Shabbat (for kids 1-6) and Junior Congregation (for kids 7-11). The discussions listed below begin at 11:15 a.m.: 

• “A Look Ahead at the U.S.-Israel Relationship” led by Lila Greenberg, AIPAC Senior National Field Organizer


• “Discovering Your Elijah Moment” led by Rabbi Cohen

All attendees July 8 are invited to a free kiddush lunch at approximately 12:15 p.m. Babysitting is provided for younger children. 

Cohen will also speak Saturday afternoon on “Living Inspired: Maximizing Your Moment and Mission,” Saturday evening between the afternoon and evening services on “Bilaam vs. Moshe: Answering the Call,” and Sunday morning on “What Will They Say About You When You Are Gone? Creating a Life of Legacy.”

Synaplex is free and open to the public. No reservations are required. For more information, call Jeff at 314-991-2100, ext. 2. NHBZ is located at 650 N. Price Road in Olivette.