Next Gen Tour of Jewish history in Springfield
Published June 19, 2013
Jewish Federation of St. Louis is planning a Next Gen Road Trip to Springfield, Ill. on Sunday, July 14. The day trip will include a tour of Jewish history in Springfield, offer a chance to meet local leaders (and learn about issues facing their community) and visit the Lincoln Museum.
The group will meet at 7:15 a.m. at the Jewish Federation Kopolow Building, 12 Millstone Campus Drive, and depart on a two-hour bus ride to Springfield. The group will tour the Jewish section of Oak Ridge Cemetery and other Jewish historical sites, followed by a glatt kosher lunch at Temple Israel (including a dialogue with local Jews). The group will then visit the Lincoln Museum and then depart for St. Louis.
The trip is open to adults ages 21-50. The cost is $25 for the first 10 people to register and $50 for those following (includes round trip bus transportation, meals and museum entry fee). RSVP by June 28. For more information or to RSVP, contact Emilie Docter at [email protected] or 314-442-3868 or visit Road Trip Chairs are Billy Rubenstein and David Weiss.