Congregation B’nai Amoona is set to welcome a new assistant rabbi. Rabbi Jared Skoff will join the congregation this summer along with his wife Karen and daughter Ana. He is the grandson of Rabbi Benson Skoff (z”l), rabbi emeritus of Brith Sholom Kneseth Israel (BSKI) congregation and Kol Rinah, who served BSKI for more than 30 years as spiritual leader.

Rabbi Jared Skoff will join Senior Rabbi Jeffery Abraham and Cantor Sharon Nathanson in leading the congregation.
“A visit by Rabbi Skoff created tremendous positive feedback,” said B’nai Amoona Personnel Chair Jeff Singer. “His ‘menschiness,’ teaching, interaction with all ages, sense of humor and use of the Yiddish language made a lasting impression and left us yearning for more.”
Skoff is coming to St. Louis after serving as a rabbinic intern at Valley Beth Shalom in Encino, Calif. He will be ordained this spring 2024 by the Ziegler School, where he studies as a Wexner Graduate Fellow. He spent the past decade working for Camp Ramah in California where he served as National Program Director, and led Ramah Wisconsin’s Tikvah program, supporting neurodiverse campers and young adults.
“We know Rabbi Skoff will chart his own path at BA while drawing upon the rich legacy of rabbis who preceded him,” said Singer. “The Jewish community is delighted to welcome a rabbi named Skoff back into our midst, and we consider ourselves fortunate that it is within the walls of BA.”
Final details of the Skoffs’ arrival this summer will be made available in the coming months.