NCJW to lead Advocacy 101 class at Mirowitz Center

NCJW’s “Advocacy 101” class is a new addition to the Mirowitz Center programming lineup.  Class participants will learn ways to advocate to their legislators on issues of importance. Classes take place once a month for five months, beginning in September and culminating in January with a bus trip to Jefferson City.  The class is free and runs from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. in the Mirowitz Center, located in the Covenant Place II Cahn Family Building,  8 Millstone Campus Drive.

The upcoming classes are: 

Sept. 10: Advocacy 101. The class will go over the basics on how to advocate for change in our state and local communities. The NCJW STL advocacy team will open the series talking about how to craft a message and who to get it to in order to make change. 

Oct. 8: Advocating through Social Media. A primer on social media and how to use it to make change. NCJW STL Board Member Melissa Alper will lead this session.


Nov. 13: Writing a Letter to the Editor. NCJW STL will present best practices for writing a letter to the editor in order to have the best chances of getting a letter published. NCJW STL Vice President of Leadership Nancy Litz will lead this session. 

Dec: 10: Legislative Process and Contacting Your Legislator. Understanding all of what goes into making a law is more complicated than what we were taught in school. Find out the inside story and when is the best time for you to have the most impact when contacting your legislator. NCJW STL State Policy Advocacy Chair Dianna Fine will lead this session. 

January 2020: Trip to Jefferson City. NCJW STL will lead a bus trip to Jefferson City to meet with legislators and see how things work during legislative session. Date TBD.

Interested participants may register by calling 314-432-733-9813 or in person at the Mirowitz Center.