Moms on the move can ‘Run for the Apples’


Moms these days are always on the run. We run errands. We run to the grocery store. We run after our children, constantly. We run around the house looking for misplaced math homework and lost car keys.

Moms are always on the go. We go to work, and we go workout. We go to appointments, and sometimes we go crazy. We go to baseball games, and we go to soccer games. We go to birthday parties, and we go to bar mitzvahs. We go shopping. Once in awhile, we go out to dinner. Sometimes we go too long and forget to go to the bathroom, but that’s another story. I could go on and on.


No wonder moms on the move are usually the first ones to sign up for a walk-a-thon. Whether we’re in it for fun, competition, or another oversized T-shirt to sleep in, these athletic events are popular because moms in all shapes, sizes, and ages get to run around for a good cause. Most races benefit a disease, charity, worthy fundraiser, or simply the physical and mental well being of the participant. Plus, this healthy family activity is a great way to enjoy a brisk autumn morning and mitzvah together.

Even area temples are joining the race craze. At Shaare Emeth Congregation, for example, walkers and runners will take their marks on Sunday, Oct. 21 at the “Run for the Apples” in celebration of the temple’s 140th anniversary. The “Run for the Apples” race is more of an “awareness raiser” and promotes the connection of the body, mind, and spirit. If you want more information or would like to register for the 10K, 5K, or one-mile family fun run, contact the temple office at 314-569-0010 or go to

“Mishegas of Motherhood” is the creation of Ellie S. Grossman, a St. Louis freelance writer and stay-at-home-mom who never stays home. Currently, she is obsessing over the table centerpieces at her son’s upcoming bar mitzvah, so please feel free to send any advice to: [email protected] or visit her website at