Mirowitz, Sh’ma: Listen! series plan ‘Understanding Jewish Identity’

Saul Mirowitz Jewish Community School, in partnership with the Sh’ma: Listen! Speaker Series, presents “Same Difference: Understanding Jewish Identity” on April 26, with a follow-up session on April 27.  

“Understanding Jewish Identity” aims to celebrate Jewish identities and the mosaic of perspectives, ritual practices, cultures and beliefs, will take place from 6:45 to 9 p.m. Wednesday, April 26 at Mirowitz, 348 S. Mason Road.

The program offers an opportunity to engage across differences and to appreciate that Jews are bound together by a shared heritage, sacred texts and a tradition of wrestling with difficult questions. 

Community rabbis will guide discussions about Jewish pluralism and help guests work to understand our own ideologies within the context of the broader Jewish community. 

The event’s keynote speaker is Aaron Hahn-Tapper, associate professor of Jewish Studies at the University of San Francisco. Hahn-Tapper is the author of “Judaisms: A Twenty-First-Century Introduction to Jews and Jewish Identities.” His book will be available for purchase and signing at the event.


 A panel of St. Louis clergy will also discuss “Embracing Jewish Pluralism.” The panel includes Rabbi Brigitte Rosenberg, Rabbi Levi Landa, Maharat Rori Picker-Neiss and Rabbi Micah Buck-Yael.

 The event will also include breakout sessions on “How do I fit in?” Engage with other members of our community in respectful dialogue focused on topics from Hahn-Tapper’s book.

 To RSVP, visit Mirowitz.org, call 314-576-6177 or email  [email protected]. Sponsored by Saul Mirowitz Jewish Community School and the Center for Jewish Learning.

 The following day, join in a follow-up discussion with Hahn-Tapper from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. He will discuss “Whose Story Is It? Deconstructing and Reconstructing Jewish Narratives” at the Saul Brodsky Jewish Community Library. The discussion will look at which voices are included and which ones are left out when teaching about Jews and Judaism. 

RSVP to Nancy Dubman at 314-442-3771 or [email protected].  For more information, contact Cyndee Levy at 314-442-3754 or [email protected]

Sponsored by the Center for Jewish Learning and Brodsky Library. 

Sh’ma Listen! is funded by the Lubin-Green Foundation, a supporting foundation of the Jewish Federation of St. Louis, and Hank Webber and Chris Jacobs.