Mensch of the Week: Mike Shannon trying to understand NFTs

Alec Baris, Digital Engagement Associate

Mike Shannon is our Mensch of the Week, and here is why.

Realizing you’re out of the loop is never easy, but those who are curious and try their best to understand new topics can always have a good time. The Cardinals Hall of Famer went through that exact situation the other night.

During Wednesday night’s game broadcast, Shannon read a promotion for about an upcoming promotion to purchase a Busch Stadium NFT. For those unfamiliar, an NFT is a Non-Fungible Token, meaning it is something unique that cannot be replaced by something else (for example, a one-of-a-kind trading card). More commonly, the term is used when digitally purchase things, including cryptocurrency.

The promotion specifically gives fans the chance to bid on digital collectibles featuring artwork of Busch Stadium. Shannon, in the tail-end of his professional, five-decade broadcasting career, had obviously never heard of an NFT, and spent a few minutes on air trying to figure out what it is.

In a season of lackluster baseball from a normally prominent club, the 82-year-old Shannon has found a way to give fans another legendary moment, this time providing a laugh in the process.

“I don’t use online, so that’s why I don’t know,” he said.

Sorry Mike, but NFT does not stand for “No Friggin’ Tonsils,” but we commend you for trying your best to understand what it is. Hey, I don’t really get it either.

Who would’ve thought we’d get a soundbite of Mike Shannon trying to pronounce  words like cryptocurrency and bitcoin?