Meet one of the Light’s 2012 Unsung Heroes

COAST (Chabad Ohr Atid Sunday Torah)

COAST (Chabad Ohr Atid Sunday Torah) Sarah Lavin, Rachel Zuener, Shira Weissman, Elan Baskir, Zoe Tabachnick and Ari Rosenstrauch

COAST is a collaborative effort of Chabad on Campus and Ohr Atid connecting Washington University student volunteers with special needs children in St. Louis for a Jewish community educational experience.  The volunteers give hours of their time on Sundays to developing a relationship with a special child. They sing,  review Hebrew letters,  act out stories from the week’s parsha, and a host of other activities.  A customized and tailored experience is based on the specific needs of each child provided by the extensive commitments and preparation of their  Wash. U. student buddy.