Kol Rinah plans ‘Zoom and Learn’ Series in June

Kol Rinah is offering a series of “Zoom and Learn” sessions at 11:30 a.m. on Sundays in June.  For more information or for Zoom links, email [email protected] or call 314-727-1747. 

The sessions planned are:   

• June 7: Rabbi Scott Shafrin and Dr. Marcia Sokol-Anderson discuss “What is ‘Health Care for Missouri,’ also known as Medicaid Expansion?” Learn more about an issue just added to the August 2020 ballot in Missouri and find out why this is a Jewish issue. Dr. Scott Kaar and Nicole Rainey will moderate.  

• June 14: Rabbi Noah Arnow will discuss “Halakah in the time of COVID: Remote Minyanim.” Learn how Jewish legal scholars thought about remote minyanim in the past and how that thinking has changed. 

• June 21: Dr. Rebecca Epstein-Levi discusses “Queering Jewish Continuity: Two Stories of Missing Fathers.” Jewish institutions often link parenthood with Jewish continuity and communal responsibility, but what about the other people who perform the work of caring, educating and shaping the next generation?


• June 28: Phyllis Hyken will discuss “Musical Memories of the Holocaust.” Learn about an Italian composer and musician who made it his mission to recover music written in concentration camps during the Holocaust. 

For more information on the sessions, contact Wendy at [email protected].