Kneading a need – proceeds from challah bake to support programs benefitting children with cancer

Published October 21, 2021
The third annual challah bake fundraiser for Spread Ari’s Light Foundation will take place both virtually and in-person at 7 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 4 at the Jewish Community Center, 16801 Baxter Road in Chesterfield.
Eleven-year-old Arianna Dougan, better known as Ari, died in November 2017 from neuroblastoma, an aggressive form of cancer that develops in the nerve cells. She had been battling the disease since she was 3 years old.
This year, a master of bread making from Companion bakery will lead the challah making session. Participants will each make two loaves to take home and bake — one to keep and one to give away, continuing to Spread Ari’s Light. Everyone attending will also receive Companion chef’s expert instructions, a Spread Ari’s Light apron, a new challah baking bowl, a recipe/braiding mat and more.
This is not a women’s-only event — men and boys are also invited to join. Sponsorship opportunities are available; the cost for a single challah baker is $50. Pre-registration is required at
Proceeds from the event will fund the efforts of the Spread Ari’s Light Foundation, which include programs such as dance and movement therapy for children battling cancer as well as supporting the pediatric cancer community.
Ari loved to dance – she would dance to distract her from the constant pain she was dealing with from her cancer treatments. Hopefully, say organizers, this event will give many more children the joy and inspiration to move, and the distraction of dance and movement therapy.