Kitchen J plans Passover seders at Covenant Place April 14-15

Kitchen J is taking reservations for the first and second seder of Passover, April 14 and 15, at the Covenant Place dining room, 10 Millstone Campus Drive. Seniors are invited to include their families and friends for the recounting of the story of the Exodus from Egypt, and then enjoy a delicious holiday meal. The seders will begin at 4:30 p.m. 

The meal and reading of the Passover Haggadah will be led by a community volunteer, with contributions from those in attendance. Seder plates and the kosher meals will be prepared by Kitchen J (formerly the Jewish Community Center Nutrition Department). The menju for the first seder includes gefilte fish, roast beef, potato kugel, parslied baby carrots, Israeli salad, raspberry chocolate cake and matzah. The second seder will feature matzah ball soup, apricot chicken, matzah stuffing, roasted vegetables, green salad with beets and almonds, sponge cake with strawberries, and matzah.

The cost for the seder for those 60 and older is $3 to reserve a space and an additional suggested donation of $3.50 for the dinner. For those 59 and younger, the cost is $11. Reservations are final upon payment and must be made by April 7 to Beth Greco at 314-442-3149. 

This program is presented through a joint effort of Kitchen J and the Covenant Place Foundation. The Covenant Place Dinner Program is made possible by funding by the Mid-East Area Agency on Aging and the Jewish Federation. The Passover seder is also made possible through the support of the Rabbi Sholom Rivkin Tzedakah/Merle Hartstein Maos Chitim Fund of Vaad Hoeir.