Jewish War Veterans conduct annual gravesite surveys

Members of Memorial Post 346 of the Jewish War Veterans of the United States of America this month are beginning their annual survey of local Jewish cemeteries for veterans’ grave sites. They will walk row-by-row to ensure that each veteran’s grave site still has an identification marker/flag holder in place and in usable condition.

Each year, as many as 500 markers need to be replaced after being destroyed, damaged or misplaced because of lawn mowing, grass whipping, equipment moving or the digging of adjoining graves. 

The survey is done in advance of Memorial Day, when American flags are placed at all graves with a veteran identification marker. 

Post 346 leaders estimate that the surveyors walk more than 100 miles within local Jewish cemeteries. Post members have performed this task for the past 15 years. Readers who know of a Jewish War Veteran’s grave site without a marker may call Ron Waxman at 636-532-2033 or Ralph Shower at 314-991-0050. Volunteers are also welcome to join a cemetery survey team.

Post 346 meets from 11:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. On the first Sunday of the month at the Jewish Federation Kopolow Building, 12 Millstone Campus Drive. Meetings are always open, and direct lineal descendents of a Jewish war veteran are eligible to join the post.