B’nai El Congregation : Margie Sacks reported the local artist and jewelry maker Susan Scribner captivated everyone at the November Women of Reform Judaism-Sisterhood program. She related the story her father had told her of Three Wise Monkeys and how she uses the picture he drew of the monkeys on all her jewelry and other products.

Central Agency for Jewish Education : More than 300 teens from throughout the St. Louis Jewish community came together to learn at the agency’s third annual Yom Limmud day of learning program. Topics ranged from “Jewish Scruples” to “What’s Jewish About Jesus?” The teens enjoyed the opportunity to learn from a variety of community rabbis and educators. The program was coordinated by Rabbi Ari Vernon.


Central Reform Congregation : Participants at the Holy Ground Concert enjoyed the diverse music of the collaborative congregations, including: percussionist Robert Fishbone, Kim Portnoy Jazz Trio, Leslie Caplan and Marty Miller, the rocking gospel sounds of Cornerstone Baptist Choir, the uplifting spirit of the MCC Choir and more.

Chabad on Campus : The organization’s Jewish Graduate Student Association of St. Louis recently hosted a wine and cheese social in partnership with the Jewish Legal Society of Washington University. There were more than 40 participants at the upscale event which took place in a private residence in the Central West End. Natalie Benhamou is president of the JLS and Michele Nudelman is the president of JGrads.

Crown Center : Director of social services Florence Schachter and her staff Lara Burch and Sarah Lemoine, registered 99 residents for holiday food vouchers provided through a partnership between the Salvation Army and Schnucks. “The food vouchers help me buy something special that I couldn’t ordinarily afford, like a pumpkin pie,” participant Mae Goode said. “The voucher is a blessing, one of so many that keep coming into my life,” Toni Hayes said. “As an immigrant, I appreciate the voucher because SSI is not enough and it helps,” Mariya Boym said. This is the fifth year the voucher program has been available for the residents.

H.F. Epstein Hebrew Academy : Eighth graders Yitzy Goldson, Elyasaf Munk, David Wallach, Michael Wallach and Akiva Weiman participated in the Nusach Hari B’nai Zion chili cook off. The group, supervised by Bonnie Drazen, had never made chili before and improvised their own recipe which was named “Sweet and Spicy Rainbow Chili.” Although the group did not win a prize, they received many accolades for their creation and their spirit. Everyone had a blast participating as part of the larger Jewish community.

Jewish Community Center : Terri Grossman joined the staff as the new Camp Sabra director. Grossman has been a camper, a counselor and assistant camp director and is returning to camp for her 13th summer. She plans on building on Sabra’s great history while implementing new ideas.

Jewish War Veterans : Veterans, their families and friends attended the Veterans Day Services recently held at Shaare Zedek. St. Louis Heritage Post #644 commander Chuck Sandroff spoke on behalf of the Greater St. Louis Jewish War Veterans Memorial Centre.

Saul Mirowitz Day School-RJA : Fourth and fifth grade students and their teachers were privileged to visit the Contemporary Museum of Art in midtown St. Louis. The trip was arranged by art teacher Ilene Berman who took the group through the amazing sculptures of Mia Lin, the artist who designed the Vietnam Memorial Wall in Washington D.C. Berman and teachers Debra Barham and Paula Hertel helped the two classes make connections between their study of Lin’s work and past visits to the St. Louis Art Museum, as well as some areas of study in science.

Shaare Emeth : Members of the Temple Youth Group (SETYG) shared a great evening this month. They rode the Metrolink to Union Station, celebrated Havdalah outside, then ate dinner at Hard Rock Caf é. After dinner, they had a great time wall climbing at the Upper Limits Gym. SETYG programming vice president Ethan Bennett and members of the SETYG board helped coordinate the event.

Shaare Zedek : Rabbi Mark Fasman blew the shofar to kick-off the opening ceremony for “Just Write It,” the congregation’s year-long Torah- writing project. The new Torah was dedicated by Yetta and Seymour Raiffie in memory of their son Mark. Sofer and educator Rabbi Moshe Druin assisted members with filling in actual letters of the first section of the newly commissioned Torah. Karen Aroesty chaired the event which included music provided by Hazzan Joanna Selznick Dulkin and Michael Raileanu acting as the emcee. President Marsha Birnbaum is leading the congregation in the year-long learning and celebration with Peggy Nehman in charge of scheduling and publicity.

Temple Emanuel

Teacher Claire Hack’s seventh grade class has been working diligently on their social action project. The students have been selling reusable eco-bags filled with products to help the purchaser without hurting the environment.

Torah Prep : The sixth through eighth grade boys recently watched a video on the dangers of smoking. After the video, Dr. Lester Zeffren spoke to the boys and answered their questions. On another health note, the boys are very excited about all the new footballs, soccer balls, tennis balls and basketballs they have to play with at recess and during gym.

United Hebrew Congregation : The Sister/Women of Reform Judaism recently held a multigenerational membership event. Everyone enjoyed the fun and friendship as they cooked with Lisa Broddon, created a Judaic scrapbooking project with Tracy Alter and stretched their minds and bodies through Torah yoga with Barbara Berson. In addition to having a great time, the group donated the scrapbooking project to the Brentmoor Retirement Community.