JCRC to honor Opera Theatre director Timothy O’Leary with community relations award

The Jewish Community Relations Council’s Norman A. Stack Community Relations Award will be presented to Timothy O’Leary, General Director of Opera Theatre of Saint Louis, at its upcoming annual meeting in Clayton. The event takes place at 11:45 a.m. Wednesday, May 23 at the Sheraton Clayton Plaza Hotel St. Louis, 7730 Bonhomme Avenue.

The award was established in 1989 to honor leaders of the St. Louis community who have made significant contributions to interfaith understanding, intergroup relations and social justice.

JCRC Vice President Steve Malter will be the recipient of the Michael and Barbara Newmark JCRC Emerging Leader Award.  

In addition, the JCRC will present the Milton I. and Merle K. Goldstein Soldan High School Scholarship Award, which helps graduates of the Goldsteins’ high school alma mater, now known as Soldan International Studies High School, defray some of the cost of attending college. 

The meeting will also include installation of new officers and at-large members of the JCRC Council.  Phyllis Markus will be installed as the newly elected President of JCRC, along with the 2012-2013 Board and At Large members.  A tribute to Gerald P. Greiman, outgoing JCRC President, will also be presented. 

For more information, call 314-442-3871.