Hearing about Linda Concors and Nancy Seidel’s budding best friendship underscores my hope that no matter the age, you’re never too old to make another treasured bestie.
The two met after Linda and her husband, Jerry, moved into Brookdale Senior Living in Creve Coeur about six months ago, where Nancy and her husband, Herb, have lived for a year.
“We sat down at a table for dinner not knowing each other and just hit it off,” said Nancy, 89, a Temple Israel congregant.

“We clicked through conversation, and we knew,” added Linda, 84, who belongs to Central Reform Congregation and United Hebrew.
As a friendship deepened between the two and they bonded over a shared love of bridge, both were struck by many mutual coincidences. For example, their mothers were both named Jennie. Linda has a son named David and his son (Linda’s grandson) is named Brett while Nancy has a son named Brett David.
Nancy’s son Brett and Linda have the same birthday, Oct. 25. Linda’s granddaughter Samantha and Nancy have the same birthday, Oct. 30.
The two have daughters-in-law named Kim. Both Nancy and Linda sold real estate and have wedding anniversaries in November.
And both came to live at Brookdale because their adult children insisted on it.
“I fell and broke a couple of bones, and my children took over,” said Nancy, chuckling at the recollection. “They got rid of our condo and sent us here. I had no choice, but I am so glad they did.”
Similarly, Linda’s son and daughter-in-law were adamant that she and Jerry move to an independent living facility.
“I had fallen and fractured my femur,” said Linda. “I fall very often. If I have nothing going on, I fall. And my husband falls. We’re both in very good health, thank goodness, but my son travels. He was afraid if there was a problem he wouldn’t be around, so we were pushed.”
While Linda admits she wasn’t ready to move, she likes Brookdale very much, especially since she has made a best friend in Nancy. Both believe their meeting was bashert.
“It’s so fulfilling to know you have somebody,” said Nancy. “I can tell Linda anything and I know it won’t go anywhere else and vice versa.”
Linda says meeting Nancy was “an unexpected treat.”
“When you move into a community like this, I think it’s surprising to find somebody who you want to be best friends with at this stage of your life,” she continued. “It made the transition much easier and much more enjoyable.”