How you can join new social campaign ‘Stand Up To Jewish Hate’

The Jewish Federation of St. Louis is joining Stand Up To Jewish Hate, a new campaign to educate all Americans about the rise of antisemitism and mobilize people outside the Jewish community to help us address growing hate and intolerance.

“We are asking everyone to post and share #🟦 on social media, using the blue square emoji on your phone, as a simple but powerful unifying symbol of solidarity,” wrote the Federation in a release.

| RELATED: Antisemitic incidents in Missouri rise 100% since 2021

The campaign was created by the Foundation to Combat Antisemitism and a wide coalition of Jewish and non-Jewish groups, to raise awareness and empower all Americans to join us to prevent hatred and intolerance towards Jews. The goal is to drive home the message that while Jews make up just 2.4% of the U.S. population, we are the victims of 55% of all religious hate crimes.


“We all know that antisemitism is rising at alarming rates in the United States. Yet, new polling finds that more than half of Americans do not believe “antisemitism is a big problem” and nearly half believe that “Jews are more than capable of handling issues of antisemitism on their own,” the release said.

Stand Up To Jewish Hate on The Voice 

Watch tonight’s episode of The Voice on NBC to see the 🟦 make its debut, taking up 2.4% of TV and digital screens, billboards and social feeds to call attention to the disparity between the Jewish population size and scale of hate the community faces, both online and in person.

Join The Movement

Here are a few actions you can take to #StandUptoJewishHate and join this national movement:

  • Post and share #🟦 – an emoji already available on most mobile devices – on your social media channels, email signatures, and text messages, alongside a message of support against hate and intolerance.
  • Speak up and share your personal story with antisemitism
  • Follow the #StandUpToJewishHate campaign at @StandUpToJewishHate on Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok to keep up-to-date with 🟦and learn more about antisemitism.
  • Visit to subscribe to the Foundation’s “From the Command Center” e-newsletter to learn more about how antisemitism is spreading online, learn ways to identify and report it, and find helpful tools and resources around antisemitism
  • Support the fight against antisemitism by making a contribution