How a UCity kid grew up to start Haggadahs-R-Us

Jordan Palmer, Chief Digital Content Officer

As Passover approaches, American Jews start considering their Haggadah options about a month before the first seder night on April 22. We learned this from Joe Buchwald Gelles, a St. Louis native who found his way into the professional Haggadah scene. Yes, he’s a professional Haggadah salesman.

Joe Buchwald Gelles

Buchwald Gelles was born at Jewish Hospital on December 31, 1948, and grew up in the Congregation B’nai Amoona community of University City, before leaving St. Louis in 1966 for college. After a series of short-term jobs including running away with a carnival, Buchwald Gelles found his way to Cleveland in 1973. It was there his unique Jewish journey began leading him to establish Haggadahs-R-Us, an online marketplace featuring some of the best-selling Haggadahs.

“Around 1968, I decided that I didn’t believe in God, therefore I couldn’t be a practicing Jew. I backed away from everything, and anchored myself, sort of, in the left,” said Buchwald Gelles.

Joe Buchwald Gelles in 1969.
Joe Buchwald Gelles in 1969.

In 1976 he opened Orange Blossom Press, a cooperative printshop he ran for nearly two decades.


In 1989, he met Senior Fellow Emeritus of the Kogod Research Center at the Shalom Hartman Institute, Noam Zion. who in 1989 was the scholar-in-residence at the Cleveland College of Jewish Studies.

“He davened at our shul, Beth Am,” said Buchwald Gelles. “We reconnected when he returned in 1995 with a prototype of what became A Different Night. I told him it was excellent, but he needed a designer and I offered to do the job.  I didn’t get that job, but I did do the leader’s guide that accompanied it,” remembers Buchwald Gelles.

Jewish publishers had doubts about Zion’s Haggadah, suggesting there was a market only for Orthodox and pre-shortened English versions. Zion gambled on a third market: people wanting an enriched seder experience. He raised $68,000 and self-published his draft as “A Different Night: The Family Participation Haggadah,” which sold 23,000 copies in its first year.

Breaking the Mold

“A Different Night” was hailed for “breaking the mold of the American Seder.”

“It’s a traditional Haggadah, but with no Maxwell House or Uncle Fred, it’s your turn to read a paragraph,” says Buchwald Gelles. “It starts with a ‘barebones’ seder but offers short texts for lively discussions and 20 versions of the Four Children spanning 500 years.”

Inspired by the success of “A Different Night,” Buchwald Gelles launched Haggadahs-R-Us in 1997. “We began with one Haggadah and now offer 10, as well as supplements,” he says. “I only carry books I would willingly use in my own home.”

Not your ordinary store

But Haggadahs-R-Us is more than just a store; it’s a passion project.

“Our philosophy is clear: this is not a supermarket,” Buchwald Gelles asserts. “Every item has been meticulously curated, ensuring excellence. A Different Night and A Night to Remember, come with seder planners, empowering hosts to curate vibrant and memorable seders. Bulk orders are greeted with generous discounts, making it easier than ever to spread the joy of Passover tradition.”

To explore Haggadahs-R-Us offerings, visit their website today.

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