HMLC to host program on Bosnian genocide
Published March 12, 2008
A panel discussion at the St. Louis Holocaust Museum and Learning Center (HMLC) Theater in the Jewish Federation Kopolow Building will examine the Jewish response to Bosnian Genocide at 3 p.m., Sunday, March 16. The panel will feature Sheri Fink, MD, Ph.D, and Sara Kahn, MSW, MPH, who will describe their humanitarian efforts in Bosnia and with Bosnians, the role Jewish organizations played in their work, and how their own Jewish identity informed their actions.
The panel is part of a series of Sunday afternoon programs related to the current Bosnian exhibit at the Museum, “Prijedor: Lives from the Bosnian Genocide.” Each program is free and open to the public.
Dr. Fink, when she was a graduate student at Stanford University, co-founded and led Students Against GEnocide (SAGE), which created a network of campus-based advocacy groups to respond to the Bosnian genocide. She continued her international humanitarian and human rights work in the Balkans, Asia, Southern Africa, and the Middle East.
Kahn was in Bosnia during and after the war assisting internally-displaced refugees and working with Physicians for Human Rights to support families during exhumations of mass graves.
Kahn is Director of the Cross-Cultural Counseling Center of the International Institute of New Jersey and holds degrees from Columbia University.
The panel will be moderated by Jack Luzkow, Ph.D., chair of the History Department at Fontbonne University, who team teaches a course on the Bosnian immigration and who, with faculty colleagues and students, developed the content for the Prijedor exhibit at the Holocaust Museum that will run through May 17.
For more information contact Jean Cavender, 314-442-3715 or [email protected].