High School leadership program now accepting new students

Cultural Leadership Class 12 poses with Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg during the program’s annual trip to Washington, D.C. in 2016. Standing next to Ginsburg facing to her right is Lizzy Mills. 

Cultural Leadership has spaces open for its Class 18’s programming, which will run from January to October 2023. High school students meet all over the St. Louis area for monthly meetings, participate in three-weekend retreats, and a three-week summer “transformational journey” covering much of the civil rights journey from Washington, D.C. to the “Deep South.” Each speaker and program provides students with more passion, experience, and knowledge.

Any students who will be sophomores or juniors during the 2022- 2023 school year and live in the St. Louis region are eligible to participate in this year-long program that increases cultural awareness, develops leadership skills, and fosters a passion for social justice through hands-on activities, relationship-building, and travel!

Learn more about the High School Program here or contact Program Director, Jeremy Brok at [email protected] for more information.