Groups partner for Zeev Ben-Shachar talks

Jewish Student Union (JSU), Center for Jewish Learning and the Saul Brodsky Jewish Community Library present two free programs with Zeev Ben-Shachar on Sunday, April 30 in partnership with Sh’ma: Listen! Speaker Series: 

‘Jerusalem – United for 50 Years?’ will take place at 10 a.m. at the Holocaust Museum and Learning Center. Five decades later, the Six-Day War is a source of great pride — but also much controversy — in the Jewish world and beyond. Ben Shachar will discuss the complexities, possibilities and pride associated with the conflict.

‘The BDS Movement: What’s Wrong in the Battle for Rights?’ will take place at 1 p.m. at the Jewish Federation Kopolow Building. The last two decades have seen an increase in anti-Israel activity on college campuses and beyond. In this session, Ben-Shachar will use the BDS campaign as an instructive case study for understanding the threats and look at relevant responses for countering them.

Ben-Shachar currently serves as Senior Israel Educator at Jerusalem University. He directs a team of educators, developing and teaching year-long classes on Israel, leadership and activism for 500 students each year, studying at 20 Israel-based gap year programs. In 2007, Zeev helped found the Israel branch of The David Project, a major Israel advocacy organization in North America, which focuses on promoting Israel’s image on American campuses. 

Ben-Shachar is serving as scholar-in-residence of JSU’s Israel Engagement Week, held April 26-30. He will speaking at several public events during those days. For a full list of his appearances, visit


To RSVP for either of the April 30 events, please contact Nancy Dubman at 314-442-3771 or [email protected]. For more information, contact Cyndee Levy at 314-442-3754 or [email protected].