Farewell party set for Teperbergs

St. Louis Torah Mitzion Kollel will say l’hitra’ot to Rabbi Uria and Vardit Teperberg at a special farewell event on June 29 at 7:30 p.m. at St. Louis Hillel, 6300 Forsyth.

The Teperbergs have spent the last four years as Torah Mitzion Kollel’s shlichim, serving as community educators, and planning educational programs.

This summer, the Teperberg family will return home to Israel.

To recognize the Teperbergs for the learning and unity they inspired the community to pursue, the St. Louis Torah MiTzion Kollel welcomes the community to say farewell at a dairy dessert reception at St. Louis Hillel on the Washington University campus. The reception begins at 7:30 p.m. on June 29th and the presentation will start promptly at 8:30 p.m. Visit www.TorahMitzion.org/stlouis or call Faye Newman at 314 862-7537 for more information.