Published February 20, 2008
Hadassah’s CHECK IT OUT ® program which educates women about breast health awareness and proper self-exam technique will be presented on Sunday, Feb. 24 at 2 p.m. at the home of Judy Kramer. The program is sponsored by the women of Shaare Emeth, B’nai El, United Hebrew and Temple Israel.
The CHECK IT OUT ® program teaches women the risk factors and warning signs of breast cancer and makes recommendations for healthy lifestyle choices. The program includes information presented by Suzanne Mahon, a clinical professor in the Department of Internal Medicine and Adult Nursing in the School of Nursing at Saint Louis University. Dr. Mahon discusses what happens at the cellular level to produce cancer and what hereditary risk means to Ashkenazi Jewish women and men who have a higher incidence of breast cancer than the general population.
A video on breast self exam technique is followed by a breast cancer survivor sharing her story. The presentation provides opportunity for questions and answers with the speakers.
Attendees receive an educational kit to share with the women in their life which includes: breast self-examination shower card, nutrition information and a synthetic mini-breast mold containing a lump to be used as a reference tool. At the program, participants will have the opportunity to practice the breast examination technique on life sized synthetic breast molds containing lumps.
For more information or to register for the program, call Jerri Livingston at 314-469-3353.