Eight-week CAJE course with Boaz Shachak to begin
Published February 6, 2013
Beit Midrash Elul in Jerusalem has partnered with Central Agency for Jewish Education (CAJE) and Israeli shilicha Boaz Shachak of Torah MiTzion for some unique programming.
Elul is known throughout Israel as place where adults come together to develop a deeper understanding of Judaism.
In the next eight-week session, participants will explore a central Jewish theme using traditional and modern Jewish sources, Bible and philosophy, as well as, perspectives from diverse world cultures. Elul at CAJE will meet on Thursday mornings from 9:30-10:30 a.m. in the Brodsky library beginning Thursday, Feb. 14th. Tuition for the eight- week session is $80. Confidential scholarship is available upon request.
For additional information or to register on line visit www.cajestl.org or contact Cyndee Levy at 314-442-3754 or clevy@cajestl.