Crown Center receives $25,000 grant from JCA Auxiliary
Published February 6, 2013
Crown Center for Senior Living, a non-profit agency in University City, received a $25,000 challenge grant from the Women’s Auxiliary for the Jewish Aged (formerly the JCA Auxiliary). Funds will be used to establish a kosher dairy kitchen as part of Crown Center’s new initiative, Circle@Crown.
“Circle@Crown is being created as a place for residents and community retirees to connect, learn and contribute, and will offer a robust menu of programs along with a cafe,” said Nikki Goldstein, Crown Center’s Executive Director, “and the Women’s Auxiliary has provided a key piece of funding in the form of a challenge grants which have already generated an additional $10,000 in donations.”
The Women’s Auxiliary for the Jewish Aged makes a limited number of grants available to eligible non-profits providing services to seniors. For more information about the Circle@Crown, contact Megan Zimmerman at 314.991.2055 or [email protected].