Congregation Shaare Emeth’s hosting second annual Shabbaton

Congregation Shaare Emeth’s Keshet Committee will host a second Shabbaton that includes a virtual workshop and programming titled, All of Our Voices – Raising up diverse voices within the LGBTQ+ community, beginning Wednesday, January 25, 2023.

The Shabbaton will celebrate and honor all members of the LGBTQ+ community by examining intersectionality, which focuses on the overlapping and interdependent systems of discrimination and disadvantage when someone belongs to more than one group. Together, attendees will learn new ways to welcome all members into the congregation.

Participants can attend all events or pick any combination of events to attend. All programming is free, but registration is required. All times are CT. Register Now!


Building Communities of Belonging: Inclusive Practices for the Congregation & Beyond – A Virtual Workshop

  • Wednesday, January 25 at 7 p.m. CT
  • This impactful virtual workshop will be facilitated and hosted by Nate Looney, Director of Community Safety & Belonging, Jewish Equity Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI), Jewish Federations of North America.

Kabbalat Shabbat Service Featuring Inclusive Music & Readings

  • Friday, January 27 at 6 p.m.
  • In the Stiffman Sanctuary at Congregation Shaare Emeth (also available via live stream)

Special Torah Study with Rabbi Bennett

  • Saturday, January 28
  • In the Kehillah Center at Congregation Shaare Emeth (enter through North entrance)
    • 9 a.m. Nosh
    • 9:30 a.m. Study Begins

All of Our Voices: Intersectionality and Inclusion for All: A Diverse Panel of St. Louis Voices

  • Saturday, January 28
  • In the Kehillah Center at Congregation Shaare Emeth (enter through North entrance)
    • 10:45 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. (also available virtually)
      Lunch immediately following
    • 12:15 – 1:30 p.m.

“We are delighted to offer another meaningful week of learning through Keshet’s second annual Shabbaton,” reflected Rabbi Lori Levine. “Our committee has implemented truly affirming and inclusive programming and changes for our LGBTQ+ members and guests. We hope the wider community will be inspired by the storytelling and skill-building we have planned.”

Rabbi Levine continued, “With the training at our weekday virtual session from Nate Looney, who serves as the Director of Community Safety & Belonging for Jewish Federation of North America’s Jewish Equity Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI) team, we will have the opportunity to deepen our commitment to inclusivity for all. Additionally, our Kabbalat Shabbat service will offer inclusive readings and music. And on Shabbat morning, Rabbi Bennett will lead us in Torah study, incorporating inclusive values into our session. We will also hear from an amazing roster of diverse community members.”

“Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel once famously stated, on the topic of Jewish learning, ‘What we need more than anything else is not textbooks, but textpeople.’ Our ‘textpeople’ from diverse backgrounds and experiences will help us learn how intersectionality is woven into the fabric of what we believe and how we can incorporate true inclusion into everything we do. I know that, together, we will all benefit immensely. Our goal is to help our community continue to be a place where everyone feels safe, loved, and affirmed,” Rabbi Levine concluded.