Conference to explore educational topics

by the Coalition for the Advancement of Jewish Education (CAJE). Held concurrently with the annual Conference on Alternatives in Jewish Education, this program will take place Aug. 5-9 at Washington University.

Nearly 70% of those interviewed in a survey of Jewish parents of preschoolers in three U.S. cities said that they were doing something different in terms of their Jewish observance or Jewish lifestyle as a result of their child attending a Jewish preschool. With early childhood Jewish education now taking its rightful place on the spectrum of Jewish education, all those who have a stake in successful early childhood Jewish programs — parents, teachers, directors, rabbis, and lay leaders — need to consider how to raise the level of excellence in these programs.

“Our Families, Our Children, Our Future, 21st Century Early Childhood Jewish Education” is the theme of this year’s Early Childhood Conference sponsored by the Coalition for the Advancement of Jewish Education (CAJE). Held concurrently with the annual Conference on Alternatives in Jewish Education, this program will take place Aug. 5-9 at Washington University.


Developmental psychologist, educator, child advocate, author, and philanthropist Betty Bardige will offer the keynote address, “Wealth of Words — Building Language, Literacy, Culture, and Community in Early Childhood Jewish Education.”

In addition to sessions focusing on integrating Judaic and general curricula, differing early childhood Jewish education philosophies, and family education, several intensive tracks will be offered.

The Conference is co-sponsored by the Jewish Federation of St. Louis; ARMDI, American Red Magen David for Israel; and the Jewish National Fund, with local assistance from the Central Agency for Jewish Education in St. Louis and the St. Louis Hillel at Washington University. The Early Childhood Conference is partially underwritten by a grant the Harold Grinspoon Foundation.

Registration, as well as further information about the Conference, is now available online at For questions, please contact CAJE at [email protected] or 212-268-4210.