Published April 10, 2007
The TMK Israeli Movie Series, in cooperation with the Holocaust Museum and Learning Center will present special short films for Yom HaShoah at 7:30 p.m., Monday, April 16 at the Holocaust Museum and Learning Center Theater, 12 Millstone Campus Drive. The films will be Mein Kleinee Dudick and Pesya’s Necklace. Call 314-442-3829 for more information.
Nadah Women set to meet
The Nadah Women will meet at 11:30 a.m., Tues., April 17 at Culpepper’s at I-270 and Olive for lunch. Call Sylvia Covitz at 314-997-2518.
‘Water’ to show April 25
The Jewish Community Relations Council’s Israel Teen Advocacy Group (iTag) will host an iMovie Night (Israeli Movie Night) for teens. The event will feature the award-winning Israeli film, Walk on Water, an Israeli-style dinner and more. The event will take place on Wednesday, April 25 6:30 p.m. – 9 p.m., JCC, Steve’s Room, 2 Millstone Campus Dr. The event is free of charge. For more information, contact Galia Wolff, [email protected] or 314-442-3770.
Hillel announces winner
St. Louis Hillel is pleased to announce that this year’s winner of the Rabbi Ferdinand M. Isserman Prize will go to Jewish Student Union President Alex Friedman. The Isserman Prize recognizes a student at Washington University who has made a significant contribution in leadership and service to ecumenical or interfaith activities on campus. This prize was established to honor the life of the late Rabbi Ferdinand M. Isserman, the distinguished rabbi and author who was actively involved in social and interfaith issues locally, nationally, and internationally. Alex will receive a $500 prize and will be honored next month in a special reception.
BSKI holds ‘Heart and Soul’
On April 14-22, Brith Sholom Kneseth Israel’s Adult Education Committee will sponsor “Restoring Heart and Soul to Jewish Life.” A variety of events will feature Rabbi Mordecai Miller, Robert A. (Bob) Cohn, Dr. Howard Schwartz, Deborah Zorensky, and others. To register by April 17 or for more information call 314-725-6230 or visit the website at
Brodsky book talk event set
On Thurs., April 19, there will be a book talk on Jews and Baseball: Volume I: Entering the American Mainstream, 1871-1948 by authors Burton and Benita Boxerman, at 7:30 pm at Saul Brodsky Jewish Community Library, 12 Millstone Campus Dr., St.Louis, MO 63146, followed by a reception and book signing. Call 314-442-3720 or email [email protected].
JCC to offer class on strong marriages
The Helene Mirowitz Department of Jewish Community Life at the Jewish Community Center will provide an educational offering to engaged and newlywed couples in the St. Louis area — “The Aleph Bet of Marriage: Journeying Toward Commitment.” This workshop is designed to support and encourage the development of skills couples will need to build their marriage on a solid foundation. It is co-sponsored by Jewish Family and Children’s Services. Interfaith couples are welcome. Class will meet Mondays, April 16 – May 21 2007 at the JCC Carlyn H. Wohl Building 7-8:30 p.m. JCC members $150 per couple, non-members $175 per couple. To register or for more information contact Rabbi Brad Horwitz at 314-442-3271 or [email protected].
Finkelstein to lecture at Shaare Emeth April 18
On Wednesday, April 18 at 6 p.m., a dinner and discussion will be held at Congregation Shaare Emeth. The program will feature Ed Finkelstein, CEO of UNICOM-ARC a public relations firm. He will speak on “The REAL Wal-mart, the story behind the image of founder Sam Walton.”
Dinner will be catered by Catering Your Way by Lisa and will consist of chicken spedini, mostaccoli, salad and dessert. The cost to attend the dinner and program is $8.50 per person. For reservations, please mail a check payable to RST to Ken Schwartz c/o United Hebrew Congregation, 13788 Conway Rd., St. Louis, Mo 63141.For infomation, call Ruth at 432-4247.
JCRC will honor two on May 9
Dr. Robert R. Archibald and Susan Mlynarczyk will be honored at the Jewish Community Relations Council Annual Meeting on Wednesday, May 9, at 11:45 a.m. at the Crowne Plaza Clayton, 7750 Carondelet. The program will also feature installation of officers and at-large members for 2007-2008.
JCRC’s annual community relations award is named in memory of Norman A. Stack who served as Executive Director of the JCRC from 1963 until 1984. This year’s honoree, Dr. Robert R. Archibald, President and CEO of the Missouri Historical Society in St. Louis since 1988, has worked closely with the JCRC on a range of intergroup efforts.
Dr. Robert Archibald is a noted lecturer and in-demand speaker.
He is the author of The New Town Square: Museums and Communities in Transition, published in 2004, and an earlier work, A Place to Remember: Using History to Build Community. Dr. Archibald received the St. Louis Award in 2004.
Active in community concerns, Dr. Archibald has assumed a leadership role in many initiatives and organizations, including the St. Louis School Board and the city government charter reform effort.
The JCRC meeting will also honor Susan Mlynarczyk as the recipient of the Michael N. and Barbara Newmark Emerging Leader Award. Mlynarczyk has served as JCRC Vice-President and Chair of the Domestic Issues Task Force.
Michael and Barbara Newmark have a distinguished history of service to the Jewish Community Relations Council.
For more information or to make reservations for the annual meeting luncheon event, call the JCRC office at 314-442-3871 or visit the JCRC at
SLIC to host ‘TLV’
The Jewish Community Relations Council’s St. Louis Israel Connection (SLIC) will host “TLV NIGHTS”, a happy hour for young adults in the spirit of Yom Ha’atzmaut (Israel’s Independence Day). The event will feature Israeli music, dancing, cash bar and more. The event will take place on Thursday, April 19, at 6:30 p.m. at rBar (St. Louis’ latest hot spot in “The Grove” neighborhood), 4054 Chouteau Ave, 63110.
Visit the rBar website at www.rbarstl .com. The event is free and open to people in their 20s and 30s. To RSVP contact Galia Wolff 314-442-3770 or [email protected].
Hillel will celebrate 60th year in gala
On the evening of Sunday, May 6, St. Louis Hillel will celebrate its 60th anniversary with a gala dinner and reception at the Westin St. Louis Hotel. The theme of the event, “M’Dor L’Dor” (From Generation to Generation), will have us honoring the past and envisioning the future. Close to 300 guests will participate in the recognition and honor of the works of Lynn Lyss, Adam Simon, Rabbi James Diamond, Stephanie Kurtzman, Michael and Leslie Litwack, and Michelle Dorin, all of whose personal achievements represent the major concepts of St. Louis Hillel’s work: Leadership Development, Social Action, and Israel.
The evening’s program will feature musical presentations by an ensemble of local cantors and by Sta’am, the Jewish Student a capella group at Washington University. Festivities will start at 6 p.m. Complimentary valet parking will be available.
Several sponsorship levels are available, as well as an opportunity to place an ad in the tribute book. The cost of attending the gala is $135 per person, $1,350 for a table of ten.
For more information please contact Smadar Chezrony, at the St. Louis Hillel, 314-935-9044, [email protected].
‘Mommy and Me’ offered in Chesterfield
Chana’la Rubenfeld, program director of Chabad of Chesterfield, has announced the addition of a weekly “Mommy and Me” program.
This educational program will explore Jewish heritage and identity through different activities including music and movement opportunities.
Designed for mothers and children from nine months-to-two-and-a-half years old, the sessions will be held from 10-11 on six consecutive Thursdays beginning April 26.
“I look forward to welcoming Jewish mothers and their children to this program and facilitating connections among them and with their heritage,” Rubenfeld said.
The fee for all six sessions is $50, or $10 for individual sessions.
For more information and to register, please contact Rachael Peters at 314-739-8902 or email [email protected].