Film series will show 'In Her Shoes' at United Hebrew

United Hebrew’s Wednesday Matinee Film Series will show In Her Shoes, Wednesday, Jan. 17, at 12:30 p.m. in United Hebrew’s Messing Auditorium, 13788 Conway Road. The program will begin with a light lunch. The cost is $5 for UH members, or $6 for non-members. For reservations, call Ken Schwartz at 314-434-3404, ext. 103, by Friday, Jan. 12.

Israeli chef Boaz Steiner will host kosher dinner


Israeli chef Boaz Steiner will host a buffet kosher dinner at 5:30 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 21, at Traditional Congregation, 12437 Ladue Road. All food will be prepared by Steiner, who has prepared meals for corporations, hotels and individuals worldwide. The cost is $22 for adults, and $12 for children, age 4-10. A limited take-out option will also be available starting at 4:30 p.m. The cost for the take-out will be $15 per person.

Reservations must be made by Monday, Jan. 15, by contacting Traditional Congregation at 314-576-5230 from 9a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Friday.

Reform Singles 60+ Group schedules upcoming events

The Reform Singles Together 60+ Group has scheduled the following events:

* 11 a.m. Sunday, Jan. 14, Brunch at First Watch on Ballas followed by a movie.

* 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 23, a pasta dinner at Shaare Emeth Congregation. Dinner will be followed by a program by Rabbi Brigitte Rosenberg, associate rabbi at United Hebrew. The cost to attend the program and dinner is $8.50 per person. To make reservations, send a check made payable to RST to Ken Schwartz, c/o of United Hebrew Congregation, 13788 Conway Road, St. Louis, Mo. 63141 by Thursday, Jan. 18. For information, call Ruth at 314-432-4247.

Elliot Davis will speak to UH seniors group

Elliot Davis, news reporter on KTVI- Fox 2, will speak at the meeting of United Hebrew’s Monday Seniors Group at noon Monday, Jan. 22 in United Hebrew’s Jablon Youth Lounge, 13788 Conway Road. Prior to the program, a lunch catered by the St. Louis Bread Company will be available. The cost is $7.50 per person. To make reservations, call Ken Schwartz at 314-434-3404, ext. 103, by Friday, Jan. 19.

’60+’ will hold lunch, event

Cantorial soloist Sharon Nathanson will perform at a lunch and program at 12:30 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 25, at Congregation B’nai Amoona, 324 South Mason Road. The cost is $6. For reservations, call Barbara at 314-576-9990 by Monday, Jan. 22.