WINGS series scheduled

JF &CS WINGS Program presents a monthly forum for women to strengthen mental wellness and foster personal growth. The program, called Emotional Maturity Established Through Torah (E.M.E.T.T.). The six-class series begins Tuesday, Jan. 6. and will be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m. every other Tuesday until March 20 at the Jewish Family & Children’s Service building, 10950 Schuetz Road. The cost is $30. Contact Sara Bromberg, WINGS Program Coordinator/Certified E.M.E.T.T. instructor to register or for more information.

Nadah Women set meeting


The first meeting of the new year for the Nadah Women will be held at 11:30 a.m. Jan. 9 at the JCC. Call Sylvia Covitz at 314-997-2518 for reservations.

Chabad to host Muchnik art

“Art & Soul,” an exhibition featuring over 40 works by Jewish artist Michoel Muchnik, will be held from noon to 3 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 14, at the Center Court of Plaza Frontenac. The artist will be on hand at this event, hosted by Chabad of Greater St. Louis. For more information, call Chabad at 314-725- 0400.

Shabbat Retreat scheduled

The Helene Mirowitz Department of Jewish Community Life at the JCC will conduct “Here I Am!” a Women’s Shabbat Retreat, Feb. 9-10 at the Innsbrook Resort and Conference Center. The center is a 45-minute drive west of St. Louis. Kosher dietary laws are being observed. Contact Sara Winkelman at 314-442-3268 or [email protected] for further information and to register. Registration ends Feb. 1 and is limited to 150 women. Scholarship funds are available.

Learning event coming soon

The St. Louis Rabbinical Association with the JCC and CAJE is sponsoring a “Super Sunday of Jewish Learning II” for everyone in the Jewish community on Sunday, Feb. 11, the Sunday after the Super Bowl. New this year, two national speakers will join twelve local rabbis as teachers for the day. Dr. Michael Meyer from Hebrew University-Jewish Institute of Religion will speak on “Jewish Spiritual Resistance in Nazi Germany: A Tale of Two Rabbis” and “The Anguish of Animals — Jewish Texts on Being Kind to All God’s Creatures.” Rabbi Marc D. Angel from Congregation Shearith Israel — The Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue in New York City will speak on “Choosing to be Jewish: What Jews Can Learn From Converts to Judaism” and “Sephardic Customs as a Reflection of a Religious Worldview.”

In addition to the keynote scholars, registrants will have the opportunity to choose two classes taught by local rabbis. There is a $12 registration fee. Breakfast will be served at 9:30 a.m. and program will run from 10 a.m.-3:30 p.m. The program will be held at the Jewish Community Center Carlyn H. Wohl Building in Creve Coeur. Registration information is available at 314-432-0020.