In a significant development Jewish graduate students in the region, Chabad on Campus is thrilled to welcome Rabbi Yankel and Chana Oster as the newest additions to their team.
Their arrival coincides with a critical time for Jewish students, grappling with the crisis and war in Israel and rising antisemitism on university campuses.
Recognizing the unmet needs of hundreds of Jewish graduate students attending over 20 schools and programs in the area, the necessity for a dedicated couple became clear to Chabad on Campus. Until now, this demographic has often been overlooked, and Chabad struggled to provide them with a home of their own.
Rabbi Yankel shared, “St. Louis is home to some of the most talented graduate students in the nation, and they deserve a high-level of support. I am super-excited to work with young people to make an impact. ”
“We came to visit for Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur,” said Chana Oster, “over fifty graduate students showed up to our events, without us knowing anybody. The students were literally asking for us to stay and to do more.”
Rabbi Yankel and Chana Oster bring a wealth of experience to their new roles. Rabbi Yankel has served Jewish communities globally, including in St. Louis, and is on staff at Sichos in English, a Chabad publishing organization. Chana Oster has spent multiple years working for a Chabad house in Riverdale, NY.
According to Chana Oster, “Speaking to older graduate students, the demand for Judaism and connection has never been stronger.”
With the appointment by Rabbi Hershey and Chana Novack under the leadership of Rabbi Yosef Landa, the regional director of Chabad in St. Louis, the Osters are poised to address this gap. Leveraging the Novacks’ relationships and 20 years of experience, they will provide dedicated programming and a separate brand to meet the unique needs of graduate students.
Already, dozens of graduate students are expressing their excitement about the Osters’ arrival. Emma, a recent graduate living in St. Louis, commented, “When I moved to STL last year, I didn’t know anyone. JGrads helped me make friends, find a community, and stay connected to my Jewish roots. I am so excited for the developments at JGrads, and I can’t wait to start going to Shabbat dinners again.”
Arriving just in time for Chanukah, the Osters wasted no time in connecting with the city’s campuses and organizing a lineup of festive events and parties that reached over one hundred students. Looking ahead to the spring semester, they are planning a full schedule of events and classes for every Jewish graduate student, regardless of background or previous affiliation.
Rabbi Yankel noted, “We had a menorah lighting on the SLU campus, and over forty students, faculty, and community members attended on short notice. The students were so enthusiastic about having more Jewish events in the future.”
In addition to serving graduate students, the Osters aim to expand Chabad on Campus’s reach to undergraduate students in the region, engaging those attending various other universities in the city.
Chabad on Campus expresses gratitude to the Jewish Federation of St. Louis and Chabad on Campus International for their support, with special recognition to The Rohr Foundation through the New Shluchim Initiative.
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