Chabad director’s invocation at Capitol
Published May 27, 2010
Rabbi Yosef Landa, director of Chabad of Greater St. Louis, was invited to give the opening invocation for Missouri’s House of Representatives in April. The following is the text of Rabbi Landa’s invocation:
Prayer by Rabbi Yosef Landa, Regional Director, Chabad of Greater St. Louis
Almighty God, Master of the Universe:
The members of this august body, the Missouri House of Representatives, convene here from across the Great State of Missouri to do the people’s business in good faith and with selfless dedication. In so doing, they fulfill a fundamental precept, which, according to sacred Biblical tradition, You first issued to Adam at the time of his creation and to Noah after the Great Flood – the commandment to govern by just laws.
At mankind’s beginning and again at Mount Sinai, You issued forth seven universal commandments for all humanity to heed, which came to be known as the “Seven Noahide Laws”. The last of those precepts is that every society legislate for itself a system of law, order and social justice, based on the recognition and acknowledgment of You, Almighty God, as the Sovereign ruler of all men and of all nations.
We, the citizens of this blessed country, the United States of America, proudly proclaim this recognition and affirm our commitment to justice in our Pledge of Allegiance, when we describe our union as “one nation under God with liberty and justice for all.”
Grant us, Almighty God, that those assembled here to enact laws to govern this blessed State of Missouri be cognizant of Your presence and conduct their deliberations accordingly. Allow them to debate their differences vigorously, but to remember foremost that to legislate for the common good of the people is not only a civic privilege, but also a divinely mandated responsibility.
Be it Your will, O God, that the dedicated men and women of the Missouri legislature be blessed with good health, wisdom, compassion, good cheer and good fellowship. May they contemplate and bear in mind as they engage in the enactment of just and benevolent law and public policy that in doing so they are fulfilling Your Godly will. Amen.