‘B’nai Brith Institute of Judaism’ will feature Georgetown scholar
Published August 29, 2007
Ori Z. Soltes, a fascinating man with an incredible past, will be the Scholar-in-Residence at the 55th Annual Fleishman B’nai Brith Institute of Judaism, Nov. 2-4 at Rend Lake Resort in Southern Illinois. Professor Soltes, the Goldman Professorial Lecturer in Theology and Fine Arts at Georgetown University, will speak about “Lost and Not Found: the Unfinished Saga of Nazi Plundered Art and Its Restitution” which he will illustrate with slides of the art. Other subjects he will explore during the week end are “Judaism and Islam” and “Jews and Sports Internationally.”
Chaired by Lee Brandon and Marcia Tash, the Institute will offer learning, spirituality, camaraderie, good food, and entertainment including a Saturday night Musical Galaxy of Jewish Composers on Broadway featuring Suzie Broddon and pianist Phyllis Hyken. I am assured that there will be free time for golf, fishing, boating, bridge, mah jongg, reading, fitness or nature walks. To reserve your place and a seat on the bus (optional) for this mini vacation, call Lee at 314-872-7379 or Marcia 314-432-6823.
I heard Ori Soltes speak a few years ago when he was the Director and Curator of the B’nai B’rith Klutznick National Jewish Museum in Washington D.C. While there he co-founded the Holocaust Art Restitution Project of which he currently continues as chairman. During the past ten years Professor Soltes, who has taught and lectured in 23 universities, has done research pertaining to the plunder of art by the Nazis and its return to survivors and heirs. I can guarantee an exceptional intellectual and entertaining weekend with him at the Institute of Judaism.
Sleichot, as I understand it, is a service of forgiveness and repentance celebrated on the Saturday night before Rosh Hashanah. This year on Sept. 8 at Brith Sholom Keneseth Israel Congregation, 1107 Linden Avenue there will be a Sleichot Concert featuring baritone Daniel Gross and his wife, soprano Lauren Skuce Gross who will usher in the High Holiday season with Hebrew and Yiddish songs. The program will include cellist William Kass playing Bruch’s Kol Nidre as well as Rabbi Mordecai Miller on clarinet and Phyllis Hyken (same one) at the piano. The program, free and open to the community, will begin with refreshments at 8:30 p.m. to be followed by the concert and the Sleichot service at 10 p.m.
Photographer Art Wolfe is an internationally renowned artist whose photographs of remote and stunning landscapes, endangered species and vanishing cultures from his exotic travels have earned him a reputation as one of the best photographers in the world. On Friday evening, Sept. 14 at the Missouri Botanical Garden, Wolfe will share his iconic imagery, video segments and behind-the-scenes stories about the filming of his award-winning Travels to the Edge made for PBS. This is a fund-raiser for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF), according to Sanda Rosenblum. The event will begin at 7 p.m. with Wolfe’s presentation to be followed by a cocktail reception. Tickets at $75 per person will benefit JDRF. For reservations call Gary Budke at 314-420-0243.
Party on the Patio, also on Friday evening Sept. 14, is to benefit the Institute for Women’s and Gender Studies (IWGS) at the University of Missouri-St. Louis. Ann Ross, chair of the Advisory Committee, told me that the party will be held from 5 p.m.-9 p.m. at the Ninth Street Abbey in Soulard and promises to be an evening of delicious food and drinks. “Featured will be our very own faculty and graduate students serving as bartenders. IWGS will receive a percentage of all sales for Scholarships and our Small Grants Fund for Gender Research.” Ann explained. Questions? Call Fern Mreen at 314-516-5581 who can answer them and also make your reservation.
The Saint Louis Symphony season, would you believe, is rapidly approaching and though the entire season looks great, it is truly long and expansive. So now you can pick and choose what you want to hear as this week single concert tickets went on sale. Music Director David Robertson will conduct at the opening concert on Sept. 22 when the program is to include Stravinsky’s Petrushka and the Sibelius Violin Concerto featuring Vadim Repin. Former SLSO Music Director Leonard Slatkin returns the weekend of October 26. Pianist Orli Shaham, Maestro Robertson’s wife, was scheduled to play Bartok’s Piano Concerto #3 at these concerts, but due to a wonderful pregnancy — twins — she will be replaced by the orchestra’s Associate Concertmaster Heidi Harris who will perform Bartok’s Violin Concerto #1 instead. Then in the spring the orchestra and chorus plus six outstanding singers including Christine Brewer will present a concert version of Beethoven’s opera Fidelio. Check out the season for yourself by calling the SLSO box office at 314-534-1700, and incidentally, this year’s season brochure is absolutely beautiful, so request one which will give you everything you need to know about the 2007-08 season.