B’nai B’rith Institute of Judaism set for Oct. 21-23
Published September 28, 2011
The 59th Annual B’nai B’rith Institute of Judaism will meet Oct. 21-23 at the Rend Lake Resort in Rend Lake, Ill. The Institute, which is famous for its list of prominent scholars-in-residence over the years, will feature acclaimed speaker and humorist Myrna Goldberger. She will deliver the following three presentations:
• “Three Who Changed 20th Century Thought”
• “American Jews – Known And Unknown Who Made A Difference”
• “Jewish History You Didn’t Learn In School”
The 59th Institute of Judaism will feature entertainment by Tommy Goldenberg and Barbara Helmer. Bus transportation is available for those not wishing to drive.
The Missouri B’nai B’rith Missouri Lodge No. 20, the JCC, and the Al Fleishman B’nai Brith Institute of Judaism are partnering to make this and future Institutes better then ever. Never before have these three organizations gotten together to collaborate in creating the weekend retreat of learning and fun.
For information and application, call Rosalie Brasch at 314-878-8744 or Mel Tash at 314-432-6822.